How to Stay away from Covid When you are in a Relationship?

Love, Sex &  Corona Virus

In the current situation, sex is not the priority topic for discussion as COVID 19 fear raises in each & every country. In this period of time, sexual intercourse has decreased due to feelings of anxiety and worry in people. This anxiety and feeling of helplessness can be harmful to relationships. However, some studies show that coronavirus does not transmit through sexual intercourse and some scientists have claimed that the virus can also be transmitted through semen. Kissing is a very common practice while having sex & the virus can be transmitted through saliva. The intercourse actually not transmitting the virus but in this act, the body is completely touching each other’s body. Hence, during this act virus can be easily transmitted from one to another body.


We will discuss now how sex is related to the current pandemic. Expecting people to abstain from sex in this era of social distancing is unrealistic. Certain types of sexual activities may risk the spreading of viruses.

If people will ask what is a connection between sex & COVID? The answer will be we don’t know. To date, there is no such reliable research that shows that Coronavirus is transmitted sexually.

However, you can easily contract the virus by doing sexual activities with the infected person such as kissing & hugging just not only through sexual fluids. According to WHO, COVID-19 is not typically a sexually transmitted disease. U.S centers for disease control & prevention also claimed that there are seven types of coronaviruses that directly attack the respiratory system. The novel coronaviruses spread through the droplets, or touching them over the surfaces & then touching our face. Then the contract with the virus is almost obvious.

Hence the final result comes out as the transmission of the virus is done through the respiratory system; then it can be obviously assumed that it may spread sexually due to the close contact. Sometimes, we are unwillingly transmitting the virus to our partner by not taking the necessary precautions.

So the only solution to prevent the spread of Coronavirus is that both the partners should take necessary precautions. First of all, if any symptom is seen in any of the partners then visit your doctor first. And tell your partner to stay away from you. On the contrary, if both of the partners are tested negative then there is no worry to have sex at all.

To have safer sex, the first & foremost thing is that wash your hands with any soap & water for up to 20 seconds. And then sanitize your hands with hand sanitizer. Bath before foreplay will feel you more comfortable. Also use dental dams, male or female condoms to minimize the risk of contraction. Cupid male condom & cupid female condom you can choose which are completely safe to use. Planned Parenthood also claimed that you are definitely safer with someone you already live with as long as the person is not sick. You should stay away from anyone outside your home.

Scientists also claimed to avoid intimating before 30 days of recovering from COVID 19. In this lockdown, singles can use non-conventional intimacy. i.e. Instead of kissing or sexual intercourse, try an erotic massage, chat rooms, spooning, rimming, etc. The lockdown time is definitely not the best time to go on a Tinder date or contract with unnecessary risks from new partners. Ultimately, if the partner really likes you, he or she will wait for you. Some scientists also have said that viruses stay in the semen & could be spread later through sex.


couple is sitting on couch

During this stressful time of lockdown, many couples work out in their homes only. As parents & kids both are staying at home only, couples are not getting enough privacy. One couple is doing their office work from home &other is doing housework, and they do not have time to attend to each other’s emotions & sexual desires. It raises emotional & sexual conflict between couples.

In our pre-pandemic lives, the scenario was totally different. We may have avoided looking too closely at the faults in houses, as we were busy with our daily work. But in this pandemic life, we are looking at the things at home more closely which also rises the conflict between the couples. And it could directly affect the relationship of the couples. At some houses, the scenario was different couples are getting closer in this pandemic lives.

So, to have a good relationship during this lockdown couples should give enough time to each other. They should divide their work equally. They should complete each other’s desires. This will make the relationship of couples stronger.


To prevent contraction of COVID 19 below are some necessary precautions we should take-

  • Clean your hands regularly. Use soap & water to wash the hands.
  • An alcohol-based hand sanitizer will help you out to clean your hands. Clean & safe hand sanitizer is the best out of it.
  • Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth without washing your hands.
  • Cover your nose & mouth with your bent elbow or a hankie when you cough or sneeze.
  • Stay home if you feel sick. Take the medical advice.
  • Use mask continuously.
  • Avoid unnecessary visits to medical facilities & hospitals. This can spread COVID 19 very quickly.

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